Who Co-authored You?

by | Aug 7, 2014 | 0 comments

Deep in the heart of our inability to speak truth is a dusty old script that says we are not worthy. Not worthy of being loved. Not worthy of using our ‘no’ muscle. Not worthy of experiencing all our emotions. Not worthy of pleasure. Not worthy of being an original. Not worthy of freedom. Not worthy of clarity. Not worthy of a powerful life.

Pull it out of the closet, dust off that silly old relic and take a good read from the book of you. Who co-authored it anyway? Where did you get this idea that you’re not good enough? Where did your first light-dimmers get the idea that they weren’t? Who did you call in after them to keep the fable going?

Make no mistake; this book is a best seller. How could it be anything else with you as the main character? Don’t toss it aside. Don’t imitate some other character. Read it again with sweet eyes. Underline the parts you cherish, and reject the untrue. Let unworthiness be the acquaintance not the roommate. True self, it’s time you came home. There is a sequel to live, so lets get started.


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