You’re Pregnant—All of You!

by | Sep 30, 2014 | 1 comment

YOU’RE PREGNANT!  There’s something inside you that wants to be born. If it wasn’t true, you wouldn’t be alive and you certainly wouldn’t be reading this. It could be a project, relationship, career, renovation, hobby, family, book, business or a new quality in yourself—doesn’t matter. What matters is listening to your heart.

If you’re in shock, stay cool because I’ve got pregnancy tips:

1) Support the other mamas and papas around you; don’t be upset if their baby meets milestones before yours. Your baby will grow faster if you don’t water those jealous seeds.

2) Be loving and patient with yourself. Sometimes it takes longer than 9 months to birth this kind of baby. Take small action steps every day, but trust in divine timing. This is the best way to bond with your baby. Don’t give up, even if you’re tired. You’re growing a baby after all—it’s a big deal!

3) Trust all your emotions along the way; some will be easier than others. You might not be ‘glowing’ every day. Contractions are normal and can occur in every trimester.

4) Get yourself a good midwife. Find a pregnancy cheerleader who loves what you’re doing, isn’t threatened by it, and gets openly excited about cheering you on. Wear silly hats at the showers she organizes. Honor and thank your midwife because s/he works crazy hours supporting you. Shhh…there’s a rumor s/he’s pregnant too.

5) Do it your way. Read the books and consult the parenting experts if you wish, but the best advice comes from that little voice inside of you. Everyone is going to tell you how to raise this baby, but in the end you’ve gotta trust yourself.

Whew. You handled the news very well.

Shucks, no need to thank me—it’s a labor of love.  I can’t wait to meet all your babies!

1 Comment

  1. Carolyn Burke

    Giving birth to new qualities in myself. Thanks for this refreshing look at this “pregnant” period of my life.


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