I Love You—Now Change

by | May 1, 2018 | 4 comments

Trying to change someone never works—so why do we keep doing it?

And why do other people do it to us?

If this hit home for you, let me know, in the comments below.

To your freedom,



  1. Bija

    Love this!! In listening to you speak, the word acceptance kept shining through–acceptance of ourselves and where we’re at, acceptance of people in our life as they are, acceptance of what is…
    So simple, and yet one of my hardest life lessons to learn and practice. After half a century on this planet I feel I can finally say I am getting it on a deep level 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

    • Tamika

      Acceptance is a beautiful word to describe this practice! Sending love to your beautiful self, Bija! xOM

  2. Karin

    Wow! I needed to hear this right now Tamika.
    I was drawn to your website just now and I know why.

    • Tamika

      Karin, I love it that you’re here. Sending so much love your way, xOM


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