This book is meant for everyone who has hidden from, suppressed or actively denied that still, quiet voice that calls us to live empowered and brilliant lives. In other words, this book, in one way or another, speaks to each one of us. It’s a revelation that comes along at the exact perfect moment.
In this book, you will learn:
- where, when, and how to speak your truth
- what truthaches are, how they impact us, and the risks of ignoring them
- the critical mistakes people make in speaking their truth
- how to use your voice to create confidence and clarity
- how to create meaningful relationships through authentic self-expression
- how to uncover and trust your truth, and manage other people’s differing truths
- why there has never been a more important time to bring your authentic voice into the world
This book is for you if you …
- Feel like there are words stuck in the back of your throat that you can’t speak, no matter how hard you try.
- Avoid people when you have something difficult to say.
- Stop yourself from speaking up because there’s a tiny chance you might be wrong.
- Had big feelings as a child, and big ideas about how the world could be better, but you were taught to hush up because you were “too much.”
- Have a feeling there’s a part of you that is buried and wants to come out.
- Wish the real you—your authentic self—could show up more.
- Aren’t even sure what your truth is.
- Ever been hurt by someone who lied to you—or lied about you.
- Want to start speaking your truth but don’t know where to begin.
- Find yourself longing to live in a more honest world.
- You, or someone you love, is holding onto a burning secret.
Truthaches: Everything You Need to Know About Speaking—and Living—Your Truth will help you make peace with these murky, distracting, and painful situations once and for all.
This book grabbed me from the first page and is a true gift. Tamika warmly and succinctly explores a complicated topic that we can all relate to as humans. She writes with compassion, heart and wisdom – this book will change your life!
What are the Key Components of the Book?

Truthaches is a book for our time. Our deep truths are longing to be expressed to heal ourselves, our relationships, and our communities. In this action oriented book Tamika Schilbe Cole generously provides a guiding light so we don’t fall asleep to our pain. We sometimes try to shove our truth away in the closet and this book reminds us to open the door and heal it. It invites us all to act with clarity. A must read.
A truthache is something we hide that hurts us.
Healing our truthaches helps us build a life of self-respect, personal power, meaningful relationships, and peace of mind.

Holding back our truth is hugely distracting and diverts energy away from our goals and dreams. Yet, even the most healthy, successful people need support facing difficult truths.
Sometimes dealing with truthaches goes smoothly, and other times honesty is frightening—or misunderstood by those who don’t want it to be true.
Full of real-life stories and examples, this book will give you the support, courage, and skill to transform your life and be the person you are here to be.
What are People Saying About Truthaches?
Tamika’s book is an important contribution in a time when falsity has become both acceptable and common. Our common future depends on speaking up for truth. Truthaches addresses the underlying personal issues. A hopeful book that will help you navigate the joys and challenges of speaking your truth.
Revealing our truth can be challenging, but Tamika shows us how avoiding it can keep us stuck—and keep us sick. This book sheds a powerful light on how we can all begin to make changes. Everyone should read this book.
Tamika has discovered a simple way of opening the treasure chest in your heart. The method she will share with you is a way towards profound self-discovery and fulfillment. This inquiry requires shedding light on your shadow, through the innate tools of questioning and listening for direct knowledge waiting within you. Tamika teaches you how to guide yourself into exploring the not-so-obvious questions and reactions that often reveal the unheard inner truths. This book, when practiced, will give you the strength to be your whole self. This inner strength will guide you and make available a new future that is not limited to what you now believe about yourself or the other.
In a warm, safe and inviting voice, Schilbe accompanies readers on an existential healing journey – freeing ourselves from the falsehoods and myths we create for ourselves and the people around us. Through the author’s personal revelations and simple, practical field work, we learn how to safely and lovingly unearth the secrets and lies that hold us back from leading full, authentic lives. I recommend this book to anyone interested in healing themselves, restoring relationships with family and friends, and making the most of their lives.
Healthy relationships depend on our ability to speak our truth and Truthaches provides the roadmap. A wise, comprehensive, and compassionate book that will teach you when, where, and how to speak your truth.
Truthaches is a testament to the journey we are all engaged in. Truth is complex, emotional, and not without its dangers. In this book, we read how we can begin to craft the narrative of our lives, and understand it through a multilayered process. This process gives us pause to think, run away, and surface again. Schilbe’s book gives us a resource to provide guidance and support on the journey. It is a welcome guide to those who are on the path of seeking their truths, and seeking the ways to share truth with others.
With skill, compassion and wisdom, Tamika Schilbe has courageously birthed a book that illuminates an often shameful, secret part of the human experience: the ways in which we hide our authentic self and the truth of who we are. This book is written from a deep place in the author’s heart. We feel her vulnerability, authenticity, and strength—and we gain so much from her wisdom and practical guidance for how to navigate the terrain of our own hidden secrets, and how to bring them to light. This book is an incredible tool for all who wish to live in the freedom of their own authentic selves.
The inner journey of a psychotherapist, the story of self-discovery. A compelling personal testimony to the path of healing for clients and therapists alike.
You’re about to become part of something much bigger, much more expansive and liberating than any self-development I’ve ever encountered. Truth is not just a virtue, a theory, or an obligation—it’s alive. It’s a living, breathing, pulsing entity constantly seeking expression. Bigger than all of us, it’s an exciting, dynamic, and ever-changing force all of its own. Together we can honor the life-giving, expansive energy of truth. We can reclaim our right to live true and help usher in a brave, compassionate, and exciting new world—just by being real. Roll up your sleeves, my friend.
Let’s do this.